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Our Covid Guidelines & Protocols

Communication of Activities and Safety Measures

- Coaches provided with full FA Guidelines for return to Competitive Training (dated 17th July). The purpose of the guidance is to educate and inform
coaches of their expectations and responsibilities. 
- The club shall communicate the FA guidance and rules alongside it's risk assessments and plans to all club members and coaches.
- The club shall communicate all adopted safety measures via the club web page and social media platforms. In the event of the safety measures
changing or being updated, the club shall adopt the latest UK Government and FA guidance.
- For all age groups, coaches shall brief parents/guardians (after reading requirements, guidelines and rules)
- All players will require their parent / guardian to complete an additional consent form acknowledging and accepting the risk or COVID-19 and
agreeing to measures to minimise it's spread prior to competitive training / matches
- The age group will keep records of every authorised training session and/or match including the date, time and location as well a list of attendees should the need arise for this information to be used for the purpose of contact tracing (NHS Test and Trace). This will be held for a minimum of 21 days.
- For matches, both the Coulsdon Athletics' team and opposition team to comply fully with the FA Guidelines on return to competitive play.
- All participants shall be aware of the COVID-19 Self-Assessment Check in order to carry out a self assessment prior to every training session and/or
- All players, parents, guardians and spectators should be made aware of the Covid-19 guidelines for the Club House at our home ground.

Control and Authorisation of Training Sessions and Matches

- Coaches shall keep a record of all planned training sessions and matches
- All participants (parents) must have completed a consent form acknowledging the risks and their duty to minimise these risks.
- All matches shall only be played against FA affiliated teams who are affiliated for the 2020-21 season who have in place suitable Club Liability Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance.
- Coaches must take a register of ALL participants for each session and must retain for 21 days this information to the club to aid NHS Test and Trace.
- All participants must self-assess for COVID-19 symptoms prior to partaking in training or matches
- Participants and parents shall read the FA and Government Guidelines and Rules to ensure they are familiar with them and able to comply.
o FA Guidelines:
o Government Guidelines:

- Participants (or their parent/guardian) accept and understand the risks and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic; and shall implement and adopt all safety protocols required to significantly minimise the contraction or spread of the virus, however cannot for certain ensure that the risk of contracting the virus is completely eliminated.
- The club shall adopt a COVID-19 Safety Officer who is responsible for the implementation and compliance of COVID-19 safety measures.

COVID-19 Self-Assessment / Check
- Prior to any training session or match, participants shall perform a COVID-19 Self-Assessment/Check. If a participant has any symptoms or fail any of the checks below then they MUST NOT attend:
o A new continuous cough.
o A high temperature (above 37.8C)
o Shortness of breath.
o A sore throat.
o Loss of or a change of normal sense of taste and smell.
o Feeling generally unwell.
o Persistent tiredness.
o Been in close contact/living with somebody who is suspected or has tested positive for COVID-19.
- Coaches must remind and communicate to players/parents/guardians the need to conduct a COVID-19 Self-Assessment / Check before every training session and/or match.

Training Session Planning
- Coaches/session organiser must plan all sessions such that they can be carried to adhere to FA and Government rules and guidelines AT ALL TIMES.
- A group shall not consist of more than 30 people which includes all coaches.
- A qualified adult coach with a valid and in-date Enhanced DBS check must be present for each group.
- There should be sufficient space between groups/teams - crowding of multiple
teams in one place should be avoided.
- Coaches shall start and finish their sessions promptly. Avoid hanging around so that you might encroach upon another team's session planned for later.
- There shall be a minimum of a 15 minute gap between the end of one team's session and the beginning of the next in the same vicinity/area. This is to allow one group to leave before a new group arrive to eliminate any clashes and increased risk during changeover. Where areas are large and the arrival/departure of teams can be managed, it may be the case that multiple teams can train on the same field however shall be a reasonable distance apart and avoid crowding.
- Coaches/session organisers shall wipe down any equipment after each session with PPE equipment.
- Coaches/session organisers must minimise the touching of equipment when planning drills/exercises. Where a participant will be touching equipment regularly (e.g. goalkeeper focused session) then they should wear gloves and/or the coach shall regularly sanitise the equipment.
- Coaches/session organisers should consider the necessary arrival protocols and communicate this with participants.
- Coaches/session organisers should ensure that all planned exercises/drills conform to the FA rules
- Warm-ups and cool-downs shall adhere to social distancing.
- Minimise the amount of time players are in close proximity to each other for extended periods of time (e.g. marking on corner/free kick training).
- Coaches shall plan regular hygiene breaks within the session to sanitise
hands and equipment.
- Coaches shall ensure social distancing (2 metres) is adhered to when conducting training team talks - consider the use of cones/markers to enforce
- Learn from previous sessions - apply any changes necessary to improve the safety of the session based on previous feedback and experience.
Match Planning
- Coaches must ensure all matches adhere to FA and Government rules and guidelines AT ALL TIMES.
- Ensure that opposition teams are correctly affiliated with the FA and have suitable Club Liability and Personal Accident Insurance in place.
- Ensure that the referee is correctly registered with the FA and has suitable Liability Insurance. In the event of a nonqualified referee being used, this must be a club official who is registered with the club and thus covered by the club insurance policies.
- Coaches shall plan for arrival and departure of players to ensure they adhere to social distancing measures.
- Players should arrive to matches already in their kit
- If possible, travel to matches or training should be with members of your own household only. If car sharing must occur, ensure suitable PPE is used and disinfect vehicle where necessary after use. Players are encouraged to walk, cycle or run to games where reasonably possible.
- Changing rooms should not be used
- Players should shower/wash at home.
- Where toilet facilities are available (sites which have them); additional hygiene measures to be utilised including aggressive hand washing, use of hand sanitiser and limits of numbers (maximum 2 people) at any one time.
- Warm ups and cool downs shall adhere to social distancing (2 metres).
- Team talks shall adhere to social distancing - cones/markers are recommended to enforce this.
- Substitutes, coaches and assistants shall ensure they adhere to social distancing on the side line - cones/markers are recommended to enforce this.
- No handshakes pre or post-match.
- Players must sanitise hands immediately prior to commencing a match and after too.
- Visiting teams should familiarise themselves of the Covid-19 guidelines for the Club House at our home ground.

- Spectators shall adhere to social distancing (2 metres or 1 metre plus) at all times.
- Spectators shall not congregate in groups of more than 6 people.
- Spectators should stand the opposite side of the pitch to the coaches.

Hygiene Measures
- Participants shall ensure they adopt aggressive hygiene measures including:
o Frequent hand washing using soap or hand sanitiser for at least 20 seconds.
o Wiping and cleaning of their own personal items and equipment, or surfaces they will be touching.
o Not share any personal items (e.g. water bottle) with members outside of their own household.
o Keep the amount of objects and surfaces they touch to a minimum
(particularly surfaces/objects frequently touched by other people).

Coaches shall:
o Adopt regular hygiene breaks to allow players to sanitise hands and/or disinfect equipment.
o Ensure they have the necessary equipment to sanitise hands and disinfect equipment.
o Carry a suitably equipped first aid kit.
- The sharing of water bottles or other personal items other than those within their own household is prohibited. Bottles should be named to avoid the risk of accidently being used by someone else.
- Paper towels and tissues used to disinfect equipment shall be suitably disposed of using a sealed bag upon disposal. Do not litter or leave hanging
around on playing fields.

Attendance Registers for Test and Trace
- Coaches MUST ensure they keep a record of ALL participants for every training session or match.
- Attendance registers for each session to be retained for 21 days after the
- All players must be correctly registered with the club.
- Players (parents/guardians) must inform the Club COVID-19 Safety Officer and team coach if they become symptomatic and test positive after recently attending a session.

Symptomatic Participants, Households and Vulnerable People
- Any participant or their household must not participate or turn up to a training session if they are symptomatic. They must self-isolate in accordance with Government guidelines and must not return until the period of self-isolation
has expired, or they have taken a Government administered/approved test
which has returned back as negative.
- Any participant who are in an at risk group should continue to exercise caution and return to training and matches when they feel comfortable.
- In the event that participant becomes ill with COVID-19 symptoms, then they must inform the COVID-19 Safety Officer as soon as possible. The club shall keep an attendance record of all training sessions and their participants to aid
with contact tracing (NHS Test and Trace) should the need arise.

Our Support zone


Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?


We want to see a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health, and all young people get the mental health support they need, when they need it, no matter what.


We're here for you, whatever's on your mind. We'll support you. Guide you. Help you make decisions that are right for you


Everything we do protects children today and prevents abuse tomorrow, to transform society for every childhood.


Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.

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